I’ve always been told that I’m an overly positive person. I’m a glass half full sort of guy, never failing to see the bright side of difficult situations. Even genuinely light-hearted, positive people have their off days. Days when the glass isn’t even half empty, but bone dry. Days when the sun will never shine and the weight of the world is bearing down on them. Personally, I try to see through the fog to the bright side of things. I try to find a reason to be happy or at least find something that is happy to focus on. Laughter is usually the key. Everyone feels better when they laugh. So what do you do when you just can’t break free of that dark rain cloud following you about?

This past month I’ve been in a sort of funk. Just really having a hard time with life in general. It has been a constant battle just trying to get to sleep, feeling anxious about all the crap that I need to get done the next day, all the while keeping myself awake until 4am. At that point I just pass out from pure exhaustion only to wake up a few  hours later. I try to get up and get started on that ever growing list that I started hours before in bed, but I’m so tired from not sleeping that I am completely ineffective at reaching my goals. And the cycle continues like that day in and day out.

So I decided tonight that I’m not going to let this continue (full disclosure, it is currently 12:30am). I’m going to find a way to get through this depressing time. I’m going to be happy. But I don’t want to be “fake” happy. I want to be “real” happy. You know what I mean? I don’t want to just walk around forcing a smile when I really feel lousy. I want to smile because I can’t help but smile. So I started doing some searching online for “laughter and health articles”. Of course, I got millions of hits off the bat, but one of the first ones that popped out at me was called Laughter Is The Best Medicine: The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter.

To paraphrase, it basically says that laughter can relax your whole body, boost your immune system, release endorphins, and help to protect your heart. It gave tips about how to stay happy even when you feel crummy. Surround yourself with positive happy people, emulate children, and laugh at yourself. Laughter can enhance relationships as well. It can help attract others to us, boost morale, promote group bonding, and even help diffuse difficult situations.

I remember hearing similar things when watching the movie Patch Adams, a fantastic Dramedy based on true events and starring the late Robin Williams and Monica Potter. This was a really wonderful film about the life of a man who became a doctor and developed the idea that humor and laughter can greatly enrich peoples’ lives and improve their overall health. Patch devoted his life to helping people and even founded the Gesundheit! Institute in 1971 to further the cause of addressing all of the problems with healthcare in one model. Thank you Patch. Your work will continues to this day.

So I guess I’m just trying to say that I need to laugh a little more. I need to smile a little more. I need to lighten up and look at the bright side. I need to get out to a comedy show or watch a great comedy. I need to sleep…

I guess I really should get to sleep, but I’ll leave you with this: Never undermine your unhappiness. Yes, there probably are people out there who have it worse off than you do, but your happiness really, really matters. It’s the little things that can eat away at you and a little laughter goes a long way.

As a side note, if you or someone you know is suffering from or showing signs of depression, get help now. Help them find help. There are professionals out there with nice soft couches just waiting to help us get back on track to happiness. It is okay to ask for help.