This is just a personal note. I feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing support system in my life. Albeit unusual and different from traditional ones, my family / friends are perfect and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Over the last few months, I have had to depend on them for literally everything from car rides to using the restroom. You might ask, Why? On June 3rd of this year, I underwent a posterior and interbody lumbar fusion surgery or MAST TLIF from L4 to S1 (fancy for spinal surgery on my lower back).

To really explain I have to back up a bit. Prior to this procedure my back was in pretty bad shape already. In 2004, and again in 2011, I had partial laminectemy’s on two different sections of my spine. After the 2011 procedure, life seemed to get back to normal… for a while. Unfortunately, one day in January 2014, I bent over to pick up an empty box from the floor at work and I felt a SNAP! At that moment I fell to the floor and it took me about half an hour to get to my feet. I went in for a series of doctors visits with a series of different doctors. I tried physical therapy, chiropractic treatments, cortisone injections, and ultimately, the consensus was that surgery was needed to fix the problem that I had (not always the case – consult your doctor).

It is now nearly six months post surgery and this whole process would not have been possible without the constant support from my family. I want to say thank you. It will never be enough. Thank you just doesn’t cover this situation, but thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for encouraging me. There have been so many times where I did not feel like I could get through this and I probably would not have without you. I especially want to thank my wife Nicole. You continue to support me in my rehabilitation and you have truly carried me this past year. You are the strongest, most wonderful person I know. Thank you. I love you.